tirsdag 21. oktober 2014

My favourite outfits

Hello my dear readers <3
I’ve received a lot of questions from you, my dear readers, if I could post pictures of my dresses. My dresses are of course tailored and perfectly shaped for me, but I can show them to you anyway. For those of you who believe that I only put on a dress and then I’m done, you’re wrong. It takes quite some time to get all dressed up, and my outfits consist of several pieces of clothing.
These are the basic parts of my outfits, parts that I always include:
      1.            Smock/shift
      2.            Stockings
      3.            Corset
      4.            Spanish Farthingale
      5.            Bumroll

Then it’s time to be creative, and this is the fun part. I put on a petticoat, and then a kritle and forepart. Of course I need to wear my favourite shirt underneath my gown, so I put on a partlet. And then to my favourite part: the gown, sleeves and the shoes. I have to tell you, my dresses are gorgeous. Here are some of my favourite ones:

These dresses were made only for me, and you just have to love them, don’t you?

And here are some details from other of my favourite dresses:

As you can see, my taste in fashion is great, and I always look fab.

What do you think about my dresses?

Queen E <3

2 kommentarer:

  1. Love the dress, but it would look better on me though.

  2. OMG!
    I love your style
    Will you do a giveaway?
